wisdom wisdom n. 知恵; 賢明; 知識. 【動詞+】 accumulate wisdom 知恵を蓄積する They
wisdom wisdom n. 知恵; 賢明; 知識. 【動詞+】 accumulate wisdom 知恵を蓄積する They acknowledged the wisdom of his view. 彼の考えが賢明だと認めた acquire wisdom 《文語》 知恵を身につける He doesn't seem to appreciate the
that could bridge the gap between the ancient wisdom of china 進歩的な未来の中国との間にある溝を「人々の建物」が
i don't care if it's the ancient wisdom or whatever ! it's still bad on my heart ! 心臓に悪いっすよ これ
their pace is different , whether fast or slow , so is their reality , whether simple or gorgeous . all emperors have never failed to look back upon antiquity , and to try to properly reestablish the ancient teachings that were almost collapsed , to enlighten the today ' s world through such teachings , and to stop the loss of ancient wisdom . (雖歩驟各異 文質不同 莫不稽古以繩風猷於既頽 照今以補典敎於欲絶)
their pace is different , as to whether it is fast or slow , so is their reality , whether it is simple or gorgeous . all emperors have never failed to look back upon antiquity , and to try to properly reestablish the ancient teachings that had almost collapsed , to enlighten today ' s world through such teachings , and to stop the loss of ancient wisdom . …歩驟(ほしう)各異(おのおのこと)に、文質同じくあらずと雖も、古を稽(かむが)へて風猷を既に頽れたるに縄(ただ)し、今に照らして典教を絶えむとするに補はずといふことなし。